Bed is in, wall art is up, just the wallpaper and feature wall paint to go.
I lost track of time working on the driveway and to my surprise the long awaited office chair arrived. Swapping the white vase and chair to these locations worked better for me then their original locations which was the reverse of what you see. Moral of the story don't be afraid to swap things around and see how the look.
Here it is after 10 days of solid work put in by myself and the guys from Eden Earthworks. It's over budget by at least 50% and nearly killed me...I selected and trimmed every piece of slate that you see. Would I do it again? Short answer...NO. Why? Cost as mentioned, freaked out council inspectors and the worry is it strong enough? It does have looks great, lot's of very positive comments and it can be repaired if a part becomes damaged.